Need a Criminal Defense Lawyer?
Don't Face Your Charges Alone: Call (718) 395-2067 Today
One of the most important aspects of criminal defense is having a strong and experienced attorney beside you to assist with the various aspects of your situation. Being arrested for any type of criminal offense can be a life-changing experience, especially if you are not properly represented. With more than 10 years of legal experience, including formerly serving as a prosecutor, the Brooklyn criminal defense attorney at the firm provides quality representation to each individual he represents.
Assault & Violent Crimes
Have you been accused of assault? The charge may involve simple assault
in which no physical injury occurred or a more serious situation in which
great bodily harm was done. After being charged with any type of violent
crime, retain help from the firm today.
Driving Under the Influence
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense that can result
in life-changing consequences. You can have your license suspended and
suffer a variety of other penalties, including jail time. Do not hesitate
to get the legal help you need if you are charged with DUI.
Drug Crimes
Various types of offenses can fall into the category of drug crimes. Drug
crime convictions can carry many serious consequences, from a prison sentence
to monetary fines. The firm can help fight your charge and provide you
with a strong defense to pursue a reduction of your charge or dismissal
of your case.
Federal Crimes
Federal crimes are offenses that must be prosecuted on the federal level
because of their level of severity. These crimes carry harsh penalties
and extensive prison terms, which can cause detrimental effects to your
future if you are convicted. Common federal crimes include mail fraud,
wire fraud, money laundering, and bank fraud.
Probation Violations
Violations of probation are offenses that occur as a result of an individual's
failure to comply with the terms of his or her probation. Probation violations
can either be technical or substantive. Technical violations involve not
following administrative requirements. Substantive violations include
committing a new crime while on probation.
Sex Crimes
Across the United States, prosecutors are pursuing severe penalties for
individuals who are charged with and convicted of committing sex crimes.
You will need aggressive and knowledgeable representation to be defended
against any type of sex crime charge, such as rape, child pornography,
and other offenses.
Theft Crimes
Many different types of theft crimes exist, and they can all result in
harsh penalties, especially if the value of the item or items stolen is
high. Shoplifting is a serious theft offense that can be charged as a
Class A misdemeanor and can result in substantial jail time. No matter
what type of theft crime you are charged with, our firm offers aggressive defense.
Do not wait to retain the legal advocacy you need for your case. Schedule a case evaluation today with our Brooklyn criminal defense lawyer!
Contact the firm today!
Prosecutors have the burden of proof in a criminal case. The responsibility of the defense attorney is to demonstrate that there is not enough evidence to prove that you are guilty. Attorney Sidney looks for elements of reasonable doubt to help defend you. At the Law Offices of Lowell J. Sidney, the attorney and his support staff can help build a strong defense on your behalf to have your charges reduced or dismissed.
Contact the firm at your earliest convenience to get started!