Embezzlement Lawyers in Brooklyn
Defend Yourself from Felony Charges with the Help of the Law Offices of Lowell J. Sidney
Embezzlement is a type of fraud involving taking or withholding property from its rightful owner. According to New York law, “property” means anything of value. Most embezzlement charges involve an employee stealing something from their employer they were entrusted to supervise. One such example is an employee who pockets cash from a till hoping it will go unnoticed. When embezzlement occurs on a large scale, it is a felony which can land you in prison for years upon conviction.
Considered a white collar crime, or one which does not involve violence but is perpetrated for financial gains, embezzlement is a serious offense. Embezzlement charges can destroy your professional reputation and hinder any future employment opportunities. Because of this, it is extremely important to retain competent legal counsel from an embezzlement attorney in New York. As a former Kings County Prosecutor, Lowell J. Sidney knows how the prosecution approaches embezzlement cases and can help you assemble a solid defense.
Are you ready to start working on your defense? Call the Law Offices of Lowell J. Sidney today at (718) 395-2067.
Call (718) 395-2067 for Embezzlement Defense from a Former New York Prosecutor
New York aggressively prosecutes embezzlement and often sentences guilty defendants to long prison sentences, not to mention enormous fines. While no attorney can honestly promise an acquittal or favorable plea deal, it is worth the time and effort to find a competent criminal defense lawyer with a track record of success in the courtroom.
Embezzlement Defense Attorney Lowell J. Sidney has experience both as a prosecutor and as a criminal defense lawyer, and he knows how both sides of the courtroom handle these types of cases. If you’ve been accused of embezzlement and are looking for a criminal defense attorney to represent you, reach out today.
Interested in a free case evaluation? Call the Law Offices of Lowell J. Sidney today at (718) 395-2067, or contact the firm online here.